Friday, October 2, 2015

Bananas are good for health

pisang webkuberbagiBananas, a fruit that is common and known by many people. everyone must know the name of bananas, both children and adults. Yes fruit yellow and curved shapes, (knowledge say hell no bananas straight shape, wkwkwk) Bananas are easy to find our environment, sometimes a banana tree grows by itself without being planted, try to note the houses around us, sometimes in a vacant lot there is a banana tree, but that has not ever felt her land to plant bananas, really do not? Apparently, in addition to easy to get, the price is cheap, bananas many health benefits and cure various illnesses suffered by a person, who certainly banana contains vitamin C. Remember, when the school first, fruits that contain lots of vitamin C, usually yellow, yellow bananas yes. such as mangoes, oranges. The health benefits that may be obtained from consuming bananas including lowering the risk of cancer, asthma, lower blood pressure and improve heart health. Details nutrient medium banana (about 126 grams) is considered one serving.

A serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. In addition, bananas provide a variety of vitamins and minerals:
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.5 mg
  • Manganese - 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin C - 9 mg
  • Potassium - 450 mg
  • Fiber - 3g
  • Protein - 1 g
  • Magnesium - 34 mg
  • Folate - 25.0 mcg
  • Riboflavin - 0.1 mg
  • Niacin - 0.8 mg
  • Vitamin A - 81 IU
  • Iron - 0.3 mg
Banana recommended intake for adults is 4700 milligrams per day. The benefits of bananas in our lives in order to keep the body healthy and to cure diseases, among others:
  1. Helps the digestive process in the intestines.
  2. Fibers contained in bananas good for reducing constipation. No need to use laxatives, sufficient consumption of just bananas. Mix the banana with a glass of milk helps reduce the risk of intestinal diseases such as dangerous bleak terjadiya symptoms of colon cancer. Bananas used to restrain inflammatory because the process can be accelerated by vitamin C bananas.
  3. Reduce Pain When menstruation.
  4. If often feel pain every time period, then resolve the problem by using a banana. Multiply by eating bananas then the pain can possibly be reduced.
  5. Preventing Heart Disease.
  6. Bananas can be used to prevent heart disease, it is because bananas contain vitamin C and flavonoids which are antioxidants and can prevent fat oxidation process. Potassium contained in bananas is a good tonic for heart health. Pectin fiber influential in helping to lower cholesterol.
  7. Rich in vitamins and fiber
  8. Bananas have 2 times the carbohydrates and 5 times the amount of vitamin A compared with apples. Bananas are rich in potassium with potassium levels reach 400 mg in a medium-sized banana. Therefore, the fruit must be consumed to continue to maintain heart health.
  9. Improve brain health
  10. By consuming them regularly and as much as 3 times a day as a dessert.
  11. Treating Acne
  12. How to use bananas to treat acne, namely, first crush fruit pulp of ripe bananas. Then apply on the skin with acne. Let stand for a few minutes and then wash with water. Repeat this for several days until the acne disappear and the skin becomes clean.
  13. Smooth the skin
  14. For those who have problems with rough and dry skin, flesh bananas into the solution. Such as how to treat acne, the first mash bananas and add one tablespoon of honey. Use to be used as a mask on the face. Perform routine and facial skin will be smooth.
  15. Maintain Eye Health
  16. Benefits bananas help maintain eye health. Bananas have a number of vitamin A, a fat-soluble and is essential to protect the eyes. These compounds preserve the membranes that surround the eye and is a component of one of the proteins that carry light into the cornea. A sufficient intake of vitamin also reduces the risk of blindness and is essential for vision everyday. Women need 700 micro grams of vitamin A each day, and men need 900 micro grams One of bananas by 6 inches, has nearly 10 micro grams of vitamin A. Bananas also contain alpha carotene and beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A to further maintain eye health.
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  17. Overcoming itching due to exposure to mosquito bites
  18. Mosquito bites are annoying and the resultant itching can be removed with a banana. Take the banana skin and rub gently to the affected area mosquito bites.
  19. Blood circulation
  20. Bananas contain potassium and potassium are beneficial to help the body's circulation. In the end the circulation of oxygen to the brain becomes more smoothly. Potassium can also serve to help expedite the heart rate, reducing the risk of stroke, and regulates blood pressure.
  21. Healthy bones
  22. Eating bananas regularly may serve to help heal the bone. This is because, banana is one fruit that has a fairly high manganese content.
  23. Overcoming anemia.
  24. Bananas have iron content is high enough so suitable for patients with anemia. Consuming 2 bananas every day on a regular basis. Benefits of bananas to overcome the shortage of red blood cells or anemia.
  25. Bananas can Treat heartburn.
  26. Banana is used as a solution in the body when attacked by an ulcer. This is because bananas contain substances antidote to the acid in the body and thus can relieve ulcer.
Thus some of the benefits of bananas in our lives to keep the body healthy and to cure some diseases. may be useful so that we do not only menkomsumsi fruits without knowing the benefits and usefulness of fruit for the sake of our bodies.

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