Potato or Latin language Solamun tuberosum. This tuber plant species are well known in the world, and in some countries become a favorite food of some people. Even in a place subject makana be material. Sometimes we often eat these foods (potato) but we do not know the benefits of the potato itself to the health of our body.Potatoes turned out to have nutritional value and vitamins that are good for the health of our body.
- Protein and Fiber The mobile hand-sized potato or rice around 300 grams seized apaliba turned out to have the nutritional value of 261 calories, 5.6 grams of protein and 0.3 grams of fat. The potatoes are peeled or not peeled, potatoes still provides 5.4 grams of fiber and 2.6 grams of natural sugar.
- Vitamin C and Vitamin B Potatoes are boiled fruit will produce vitamin C and vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), as well as other types of B vitamins are thiamine and niacin. Besides the boiled potatoes also help our body to produce norepinephrine, which is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in nerve communication, and maintain hormone levels. Vitamin B5 is needed by the body to make it possible to break down the nutrients into energy and supports liver function.
- Some minerals Important Potato contains many rich in essential minerals, which are beneficial to help the body build strong bones and maintain nerve and muscle function. Reviews
- Potassium Potatoes contain potassium 1.1. Potassium serves to preserve the balance of electrolytes in the body and muscle function
- Manganese Manganese serves as a support metabolism and produce collagen protein to heal wounds
- Copper useful for producing lysyl oxidase is an enzyme that is necessary for the functioning of connective jaringa supports brain function.
- Fostor and Magnesium
One glass of boiled potatoes provide 0.8 milligrams of vitamin B5, or about 16 percent of the body needs every day. As for vitamin C, boiled potatoes offer about 27 percent for women, and 23 percent for men of the total daily requirement.
Below I share some potatoes for health benefits, useful help:
- Raise the weight Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and less protein. This makes it an ideal diet for those who want to gain weight. Vitamins contained in potatoes such as vitamin C and B complex are also essential for the proper absorption of these carbohydrates. That is why the potatoes become an inevitable part of Sumo Wrestlers.
- Digestion Because the potato is rich in carbohydrates, making it easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This is good news for patients, infants, and those less well on digestion but require energy from carbohydrates.
- Skin Care Vitamin-C, B complex and minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc is a good source for skin care. Pulp obtained in raw potatoes crushed, mixed with honey, can also be applied as a poultice on wrinkles and other skin blemishes due to aging.
- Brain Function Proper brain function is highly dependent on the supply of oxygen, glucose, magnesium, some members of the vitamin B complex and some hormones, such as amino acids and fatty acids such as omega-3 fatty acids. Potato meet almost all requirements above. In addition, potatoes also contain certain substances such as zinc and phosphorus are good for the brain as well.
- Inflammation Nutrients contained in potatoes such as vitamin C, vitamin B and potassium are good sources to relieve the inflammation, both internal and external such as colitis and digestive system. Because the potato is soft and easy to digest is good news for those who have mouth ulcers.
- Rheumatic Some nutrients such as vitamins, calcium and magnesium in potatoes can help reduce arthritis.
- potatoes are also good for the heart, energy recovery while diarrhea
It turns the potato lot of benefits for our bodies, not only good to eat, especially if you fry.
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