Eggplant History
Eggplant food plant is grown for its fruit. The origins of cultivation are in the south and east Asia since prehistoric times, but it was unknown in the Western world no earlier than about 1500. The fruit has a variety of colors, especially purple, green, and white. The first written record of the eggplant found in Qi Min Yao Shu, an ancient Chinese agricultural works written in the year 544.
The number of names in Arabic and North Africa for the eggplant and the lack of Greek and Roman name suggests that this tree was brought into the Western world passes through the Mediterranean region by the Arabs in the early Middle Ages. Its scientific name, Solanum melongena, derived from the Arabic term for the 16th century type of plant eggplant. Because eggplant is a member of the Solanaceae, eggplant fruit was once considered poisonous, as some varieties leunca fruit and potatoes. While the eggplant fruit can be eaten without any adverse effects for most people, most of the others, eating eggplant fruit (similar to a related eating fruit such as tomatoes, potatoes, and green pepper or pepper) may affect the health.

The number of names in Arabic and North Africa for the eggplant and the lack of Greek and Roman name suggests that this tree was brought into the Western world passes through the Mediterranean region by the Arabs in the early Middle Ages. Its scientific name, Solanum melongena, derived from the Arabic term for the 16th century type of plant eggplant. Because eggplant is a member of the Solanaceae, eggplant fruit was once considered poisonous, as some varieties leunca fruit and potatoes. While the eggplant fruit can be eaten without any adverse effects for most people, most of the others, eating eggplant fruit (similar to a related eating fruit such as tomatoes, potatoes, and green pepper or pepper) may affect the health.
Most pieces of eggplant rather bitter and irritate the stomach and lead to gastritis. Therefore, some sources, especially from the natural health, said that the eggplant and related genus may lead to or worsen arthritis with subtly and precisely, it should be shunned by those who are sensitive to it. (Wikipedia)
Eggplant has the same benefits by POtato potatoes and has a value nutrition and contain about the same nutrients as well, including:
Eggplant has the same benefits by POtato potatoes and has a value nutrition and contain about the same nutrients as well, including:
- Niacin Eggplant contains niacin, also known as vitamin B-3. Water-soluble vitamins combine a variety of enzymes that break down fats, proteins, carbohydrates and alcohol to produce energy. Niacin also participate in the body's production of enzymes of fatty acids and cholesterol. Eggplant stew provide 0.6 milligrams of niacin, about 4 percent of the recommended daily requirement (RDA).
- Nasunin Nasunin an antioxidant compound found in eggplant skin. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Aug. 10, 2005, reported that the research content of nasunin in eggplant has antiangiogenic capability. The Cancer Center at the Angiogenesis Foundation, explains that there is something that stimulates new blood vessel growth and blood supply. Meanwhile, it sounded to be a good thing for cancer. The cancer cells can acquire the ability of angiogenesis, which means they can develop to improve the blood supply, which can lead to cancer or a tumor mass to grow faster. Nasunin in eggplant has the ability to prevent angiogenesis occurs.
- Riboflavin A small amount of riboflavin, or vitamin B-2, contributing to the nutritional profile of eggplant. Riboflavin works with a number of different enzymes in your body to convert carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy. Riboflavin dependent enzymes also detoxify chemicals are potentially dangerous and support the breakdown and elimination of drugs. A cup of boiled, drained eggplant rock containing 0.02 milligrams of riboflavin, about 2 percent of the RDA.
- Thiamine Thiamine or vitamin B-1 is a B-complex vitamin that is soluble in water and is found in eggplant. Such as niacin and riboflavin, thiamine participate in the production of energy from the breakdown of food. Thiamine the body uses to produce genetic material for new cells. Eggplant contains 0.08 milligrams of thiamine per cup, about 7 percent of the RDA.
- Vitamin E and K Eggplant provides a number of functions of fat-soluble vitamin E and vitamin K. Vitamin E as an antioxidant, protecting tissues from damage caused by chemicals called free radicals. Vitamin K supports blood clotting system to assist in the production of the necessary proteins. Eggplant contains 0.4 milligrams of vitamin E and 2.9 micrograms of vitamin K. This amount is equal to about 3 percent of the recommended daily intake for each vitamin.
- Folic In contrast to the function of vitamin B for the breakdown of food, folate acts primarily as a chemical cofactor in the production of new cellular material. Production of normal red blood cells and fetal growth during pregnancy depends on the amount of folate that is enough. A cup of boiled eggplant contains 14 micrograms of folate, about 4 percent of the RDA for men and pregnant and lactating women.
- Healthy Heart Eggplant can lower cholesterol levels and also helps stabilize blood pressure levels. This in turn will reduce the risk of heart disease. The body also continues to be well hydrated thanks to the content of potassium in these vegetables. This ensures that no fluid retention which prevent coronary heart disease.
- Preventing Diabetes This is because, eggplant is a source of soluble fiber and low in carbohydrates are excellent for preventing diabetes.
- Weight Loss Eggplant is considered to contain a high water content and low in calories. This makes the eggplant is ideal as a healthy food for people who want to lose weight. Chewy texture of vegetables that are characteristic of this kind is one of the foods to be eaten in raw form as much as possible
- Work Helps Brain Eggplants contain phytonutrients that keep the cell membrane that protects against all forms of damage. Facilitating the transfer of messages from one part to another, so as to preserve memory function.
- and Maintaining Healthy Bones Calcium content of eggplant can reinforce and maintain the strength of the joints and bones. (papaya healthy)
- Moisturizing Scalp Eggplant contains a number of minerals and vitamins that are good for providing nutrients to the scalp to remain healthy. This would avoid a number of problems related to the health of the scalp.
- Assist Digestion Body Keeping a healthy digestive system contained in eggplant because of the good fiber content. This will prevent constipation and colon cancer risk can also be eliminated
- Healthy Skin Eggplant contains high levels of water in high quantities. This will help your body and keep your body and skin hydrated. Mineral and vitamin also helps provide a good skin.
Picture Source: Google Image
Eggplant is very beneficial for the body to keep track to stay healthy, a lot of benefits that eggplant, I will share some of the following:
Yes, so many benefits of eggplant were actually very helpful and maintain the health of our bodies. While the eggplant is a fruit and vegetables are very easily available in the environment around us, the price is cheap, the goods much easier in the can. Smoga this article very helpful, so we stay healthy with ease.
Yes, so many benefits of eggplant were actually very helpful and maintain the health of our bodies. While the eggplant is a fruit and vegetables are very easily available in the environment around us, the price is cheap, the goods much easier in the can. Smoga this article very helpful, so we stay healthy with ease.
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