Influenza, or more commonly known as the flu is a viral infection that occurs in the respiratory apparatus such as the nose, throat and lungs, thus affecting the working of the nose, throat and the most rare, your lungs. Flu disease can be contagious and spread easily from one person to another through a shared way to share a drink, sharing eating utensils, direct contact, as well as coughing and sneezing. Influenza (flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses). Symptoms that typically arise from this disease among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, saki head feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort.
- Resting Total Tired body condition will cause the immune system to weaken and the flu will strike when the body is very weakened immune systems. Therefore, it is advisable for you to do a total break and stop working for a while, so that your immune system menjagi back as it should.
- Expand eat fruits and vegetables Buah dan sayuran yang kita konsumsi efektif meningkatkan kembali daya tahan tubuh yang sedang drop. Sebab, asupan vitamin dan mineral yang ada pada buah dan sayur sangat diperlukan tubuh untuk menjaga daya tahan tubuh tetap stabil.
- Traditional steam therapy Steam therapy can relieve the flu because it can create clogged nose into plong. The trick is to prepare the water in a small container or basin that were a mixture of spices such as eucalyptus oil, ginger, or turmeric that can help relieve the flu. Uapkan your face in a bowl or container of hot water earlier. Headgear using a towel so that the steam does not come out and maximum results. The traditional way to relieve severe flu that you suffered.
- Expand Drinking Water Why should drink water puith? the answer is simple, because the water does have a myriad of benefits, among others, may also help treat the flu or a cold. Puith try to drink at least 8 glasses of water / day. It aims to keep you clean the throat of germs that can cause colds.
- Consuming Warm Drinks In addition to the water to reproduce minu you can also consume beverages warm for example, water puith warm, water warm tea, coffee etc. Why should a warm drink? The answer is because at the time of flu, there will be a lot of fluid is wasted through the mucus, saliva and sweat. Therefore, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water, utjuannya to replace lost body fluids. Why should the warm water? because warm fluids can help reduce congestion, prevent dehydration, and throat were disrupted. In addition, the steam of hot drinks can also help thin mucus. So, if you flee flu drinking warm!
- Shower with Hot Water When you have the flu, try not to use cold water bath. But always use warm water goal is to keep the body warm.
- Consumption of chili / foods containing chilli Capsaicin is a chemical compound that is contained in chili peppers that is trusted and proven effective to help clean up the nasal cavity. When the flu began to attack, try eating soup with a sprinkling of pepper or foods containing chilli. But remember, not too much, will not recover even flunya abdominal pain hehe.
- Consumption of Spices That feels Warm Lastly you could also try eating spices that tastes like warm, kencur, ginger, basil, sreh. Or it could be all of the following spices united and boiled with water, then drink boiled water.
- A mixture of Honey and Ginger Everyone must know honey. In addition to good taste, honey is also rich benefits of which are also useful in overcoming the flu or a cold. Way, take 2 segment ginger, then grate and mix with honey. Then you eat 3 times a day. Insyaalloh your flu will recover.
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Treating flu can also use papaya,
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